The existence of the Javanese in Suriname is not able to be released from the plantations which opened there। Because slavery was allowed in there, and people of African descent freed from slavery. In the late 1800s the Dutch began to bring the contract laborers from Java, India and China. Initially placed the Javanese in Suriname in the 1880s and employed in the sugar plantations and wood lots in the area of Suriname. Javanese people arrived in Suriname in many ways, but many are forced or kidnapped from the villages. Not only the Javanese who brought, but also there are the Madurese, Sundanese, Batak, and other areas of his descendants became the Javanese all there. Spread Javanese in Suriname, so there is a village called Tamanredjo and Castle. There are also gathered in Marienburg. Suriname Javanese actually exist in the land of Java relative lives far away though oceans apart, that's why the Java language in the region remain stable over Suriname. Knowing Indonesia's 'independence', many people who haves Java back to Indonesia, but only a few people who could go back, that's all even in the land areas of Sumatra and other Indonesian regions. Then, in 1975 when Suriname became independent from the Netherlands, people who include people of Java were given a choice, stay in Suriname, or to move to the Netherlands. Many Javanese eventually moved to the Netherlands, and others remain in Suriname. Average Suriname Javanese Muslims, although there are some other religions. What was unique was the Javanese Suriname, forbidden to marry a child or grandchild of a relative shipmates. So those shipmates who were brought to Suriname was considered brothers and their offspring are prohibited to marry each other. Suriname Javanese amounted to 15% of the population of Suriname. Radio Online: Republic of Suriname (Surinam) is a country in South America and is a former Dutch colony. The country is bordered by French Guiana to the east and Guyana to the west. In the southern borders with Brazil and the north by the Atlantic Ocean. Suriname is known as "West Indonesia". In Suriname lived about 75,000 people in Java and was taken there from the Dutch East Indies between 1890-1939. Republic of Suriname (Surinam) is a country in South America and is a former Dutch colony. The country is bordered by French Guiana to the east and Guyana to the west. In the southern borders with Brazil and the north by the Atlantic Ocean. Suriname is known as "West Indonesia". Brief history Suriname Region began well known since the 15th century, when the nations of the European imperialist master race Guyana, a vast plain that lies between the Atlantic Ocean, the Amazon River, Rio Negro, Cassiquiare River and the Orinoco River. Initially this terrain cartography experts named Karibania Guyana (Guyana plain meaning of the confluence of many rivers and from the Caribs Karibania the native name of the first inhabited these plains). In a fictional story "El Dorado", Guyana is described as a region rich in gold content. Historians estimate that these fictional story is one of the factors that encourage the Europeans to compete over Guyana. In Spanish sailors in 1449, Alonzo de Ojeda and Juan de la Cosa sailed down the east coast of South America, which at that time they called Wild Coast, and landed in the territory of Guyana. Juan Pinzón Vincent and Guyana over the name King of Spain. During the 16th century and the 17th, Guyana in turn controlled by the Spanish, Dutch, English, French and Portuguese. In 1530 the Dutch established the first trade center in the plains. In the year 1593 the king of Spain took over and ruled Guyana until 1595, when the English gentleman came and began mengusai coastal areas. Meanwhile, the Dutch began to develop gradually in their trade areas. Guyana regions completely fell into British hands since 1630 until the year 1639. In the same year the Dutch managed to control most of the back while French Guiana areas controlled by the Suriname River. As a result of such competition, the Guyana region is divided into five sections namely Guyana Espanola (now part of Venezuela); Inglesa (now Guyana); Holandesa (Suriname); Francesa (Cayenne) and Portuguesa (part of the Brazilian territory). Suriname is located in the middle of the Guyana region has been divided, the spread between the two degrees to six degrees north latitude and between 54 degrees to 58 degrees West Longitude with an area of approximately 163,265 square kilometers. Limit the eastern part of Suriname is a territory that separates Marowijne River Suriname with Cayenne; in the south are mountain range Acarai and Toemoe Suriname hoemak separating the regions of Brazil. In the western border with Guyana region marked by Corantijne River, while in the north bounded by the Atlantic Ocean coastline. In 1651 Suriname was attacked by the British and since then, a British territory until the signing of a peace treaty in 1667 Breda. Based on the agreement, Suriname became Dutch territory. However, re-entered the British Suriname in 1781 to 1783 and then made the area Suriname British protectorate from 1799 until 1802. Through the agreement of Amiens, March 27, 1802, Suriname, Barbice, Demerara and Essquibo under Dutch rule, but a year later the British regained the territories since 1804, and Suriname became a British colony called the British Interregnum. During Suriname was under British rule, the economic situation deteriorated Suriname. The main cause is the prohibition of the slave trade, while the garden - the garden was badly in need of labor to manage. Next through the London agreement on August 13, 1814 and ratified the Vienna agreement, Suriname returned again to the Dutch. Suriname Government led by a governor assisted by a board of police who served as adviser to the governor. With the abolition of slavery on July 1, 1863, the economic life increasingly uncertain. In 1870, the Dutch government signed a treaty with the British to bring foreign immigrants to Suriname. This agreement was formally implemented in 1873 to 1914, where the first group of immigrants from India Hindustan imported. The next arrival of immigrants from Java in 1890. Along with the immigrants placed in the plantation sector, Suriname also made progress in several other fields. [Telecommunications]], making roads and the opening of direct sea connection point between Suriname and the Netherlands are examples. The outbreak of the First World War did not affect the economic situation - the political Suriname. On December 15, 1954, the Dutch government together with some representatives from Suriname to sign a memorandum whose contents colonization plan termination. In a Round Table Conference in 1961, the representatives of Suriname, led by Prime Minister Pengel demanding the formation of a government of their own. The demand grew into the establishment of several political parties formed in the decade, more incentive to deliver the demands to be given full freedom Suriname immediately. This demand was taken seriously by holding a conference in the Netherlands in 1970. The conference was held to discuss the preparation of Suriname as well as arrange the release of a cabinet composed of representatives of the party. Suriname became an independent state since November 25, 1975. Nevertheless, the economy of newly independent states is still very dependent on the Dutch development aid. On February 25, 1980, five years after independence, Suriname was rocked by a coup launched by the military. These events have resulted in the coup government fall of the first parliamentary democracy since the independence of Suriname. The situation becomes even more heat to the appearance of population Bushnegro and Amerindian tribes who live in rural areas, as the main opponents of military rule. About 35,000 residents and 6500 Amerindians Bushnegro has become the main actors uprising against the military rulers. Militant groups from both groups are group Mandela (Bushnegro) under the leadership of former military members and groups Bruswijk Ronny Tukayana Amazones (Amerindians). As a reaction to the uprising, on December 8, 1982 the military conduct of the shooting of 15 demonstrators. These events have resulted in the termination of Dutch development aid to Suriname, which affects the poor economic condition of Suriname. Peak of the armed conflict occurred in 1986, when The military was forced to deal with rebels who have been united Bushnegro and calling themselves the Jungle Commando. Meanwhile, in the same year the group also increases the action Amerindian rebellion. This crisis has resulted in around 7,000 people fled to Bushnegro Cayenne (French Guiana) and ask for political asylum to the local government. The military government ended with general elections in November 1987, the government had restored power to civilian groups. However, the government election results are not running long. In December 1990, the military re-launched a bloodless coup known as the Coup Phone. As a result of a democratic government returned paralyzed. The military later formed the Provisional Government that one of his jobs was to prepare a democratic election. In May 1991, the Provisional Government has successfully completed the task, namely the General Election to be held, but the results are not in accordance with military expectations, because the victory was in the hands of civil groups. In September the same year, has formed a new government, and Drs. R.R. Venetiaan was elected as President and as such, it ended military rule. The most important step sought by the Government immediately Venetiaan is to continue the efforts towards peace that has been initiated by the previous civilian government. This is certainly a tough task for the new government is formed, mainly because of economic and financial conditions are very concerned Suriname, as a result of the prolonged political turmoil. In performing these peace efforts, President RR Venetiaan has established a Special Commission in collaboration with institutions and organizations related. In the May 1996 elections in coalition ruling New Front (NF) and President Venetiaan defeat and his government was replaced by candidates from the opposition Drs. Jules Wijdenbosch Nationale Demokratische Partij (NDP) and Radakishun Vooruitstrevende Hervorming Partij (VHP), who was elected President and Vice President. Then the election held on May 25, 2000, the power achieved by a combination of businessmen returning New Front consisting of the parties Nationale Partij Suriname (NPS), VHP, and Pertjajah Luhur Surinaamse Partij van de Arbeid (SPA). New Front victory will lead back to RR Venetiaan (NPS) to the reins of the presidency and led Suriname for 5-year period (2000 - 2005). As Vice President has been elected Jules Rattankoemar Ajodhia of VHP party. Demographics Suriname's population consists of several minority groups. The biggest group are Hindustani, a derivative of the immigrants of the 19th century from India, approximately 37% of the population. Creole, a mixture of white and black form about 31 percent, the interest of Java (the "transported" to it from the Dutch East Indies) and Maroons (descendants of escaped African slaves) formed 15 and 10 percent, beurutan. The rest are Indian-American, and white Tionghoa. Small Jewish community consisting of several families, descendants of the former Sefardim fled from Iberia to the Netherlands, also living in this country. Since the number of ethnic groups in this country, there is no major religion here. Most Hindustani Hindus, Muslims and Christians but also widespread. Christianity is the dominant religion in the Creole and Maroon. Language Dutch is the official language of Suriname. Suriname people also speak their language: Sranang Tongo, Javanese, Indonesian and more. And also the origin of language and language of language Arawakan Caribbean, Suriname Indians also speak their own language. In addition to the English language is also used widely, particularly in facilities and tourist-oriented shops. Population Based on statistics from the Central Population Administration Bureau Suriname, Suriname population in 2003 census recorded 481,146 people with an average population growth of 1.3%, in addition to foreigners, among others: Brazil (± 45,000), Guyana (± 40,000) and Other (Caribbean, Venezuela, Colombia and others ± 10,000) Ethnic Based on the census of 1990, approximately 143,640 people (34.2%) were of Indian descent, 140,700 people (33.5%) is Creole, 74,760 people (17.8%) are descendants of Java, 35,700 people (8.5%) is descendants Bushnegro and 7560 people (1.8%) are Amerindians. The remaining 17,640 people (4.2%) is a Sino, Europe and Lebanon. State emblem Coat of arms of Suriname is described in the form of two Amer-Indians who holds a bow and flanking an oval shield, standing on a ribbon with the words Justitia Pietas, Fides. Reflected in the shield, on the left side of a sailing ship and on the right side of a type of palm tree. Both images are separated by a vertical line to tie a square rhombus right in the middle of the shield, and in the square rhombus is drawn pentagon star. Topography Land is divided into three parts, namely: Coastal areas / beaches Coastal areas / beaches young, formed from the dense clay, the sand beaches and coral cluster lies below sea level. While most of the old beach area located above sea level. Both these regions, since the introduction of system of "polders" and pompanisasi, developed into fertile agricultural areas and settlement areas. However, 2 years, agricultural lands are many displaced by the financial crisis for the management of irrigation systems that depend on the pump. Savana Region Savana region is sand-covered areas and very arid. In this area only grows grass species specific. Plateau region Plateau region, located in the south, along the border with Brazil. Most of the area covered by tropical forest that produces high quality wood (hard wood). Flora and Fauna More than 80% of land still Suriname shrub form in which to live different kinds / species of plants and animals. Suriname is rich in species known floranya. In another well-known plant species is the type of hard wood like Bruinhard, Purplehard and Zwartekabes. Timber was exported and a source of foreign exchange is very important. In addition, Suriname is also famous for its variety of animals, both farmed and which is still a wild animal.


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