Kejawen, a Javanese traditional spiritual teaching

The ancient people of Java since 3000 years BC had known the wet-rice cultivation . This system of agriculture requires a smooth cooperation between villagers, is still being practiced to this day. The villagers must have a very high consciousness to organize such a complicated arrangement to be a smooth cooperation, benefited all parties involved. Besides the wet-rice cultivation, they have known also among other fishery, astronomy, cloth weaving, batik, gamelan & wayang. Before the arrival of Hinduism and any other world religions, the Javanese had already a culture & belief(s) of their own. In some Javanese traditional ceremonies, ancient rituals remain in place to this day. It is a proof that Javanese people are smart in preserving their precious identity. Besides the existence of widely recognized religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam & Christianity, a local belief popularly known as Kejawen or Kebatinan does continue to exist. Kejawen from the word Jawa (Java...